Dead Star

Combining the beauty of space combat and the depth of team-based gameplay with loads of awesome loot, Dead Star offers a multiplayer twin-stick shooter experience that’s easy to pick up and hard to put down. Fight and scavenge your way through online battlefields while earning loot and levels to further customize your experience – including the ability to invade live player matches with a massive warship. MULTIPLAYER SPACE COMBAT Select from a variety of unique…

Combining the beauty of space combat and the depth of team-based gameplay with loads of awesome loot, Dead Star offers a multiplayer twin-stick shooter experience that’s easy to pick up and hard to put down.

Fight and scavenge your way through online battlefields while earning loot and levels to further customize your experience – including the ability to invade live player matches with a massive warship.

Select from a variety of unique ships as you engage in intense dogfights of up to 10v10, capture outposts to expand your presence, gather resources to upgrade your defenses, and discover secrets buried within galactic battlegrounds.

Explore the unique skill trees of each ship to customize your gameplay, then equip loot to gain additional perks and fresh new looks for your fleet. Use Free Play to practice your load outs and strategies before taking them online!

With the Dead Star about to explode and eradicate everything within an entire region, those within its range are left to fend for themselves amidst the debris of quickly-abandoned strongholds. Somewhere within this wasteland lies an abandoned warship, capable of escaping the Dead Star once and for all. Gather a crew to capture the warship and use it to invade a series of live player matches, fighting against the entire Dead Star community on your journey to freedom!

With every match, Dead Star creates new regions of space for you to explore, making each match a unique experience. With different map layouts, base types, nebulas, and dynamic events, no two matches will be the same!


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